Count Divisors (Extreme)
Given a positive integer \(N\) please determine the number of unique divisors of \(N\).
An integer \(X\) is a divisor of \(N\) if there exists an integer \(K\) where \(X \cdot K = N\).
Note: The constraints are updated in this problem. For C++ and Java users please make sure to use 64-bit integers to store the input without overflow.
Input Specification
The first line of the input will contain an integer \(N\) \((1 \le N \le 10^{18})\).
Output Specification
Output an integer representing the number of unique divisors of \(N\).
Sample Input
Sample Output
Sample Explanation
The divisors of \(9\) are \(1\), \(3\), and \(9\).
hugs for everyone!