CBOJ Exec Selection Contest 2 Problem 4 - George's Graph
For his CS homework, George was assigned the following problem:
You are given an intger N and a directed graph consisting of N vertices and N(N−1)2 directed edges with no self-loops and the constraint that if the directed edge (u,v) exists, then the directed edge (v,u) does not exist, with u≠v. Note that the directed edge (u,v) indicates that there is a one-way edge from vertex u to vertex v, however not the other way around. Additionally, you are given an integer Q, denoting the number of changes to the graph. In each of the Q changes, a single integer x is given, denoting that the x-th (one indexed) directed edge given in the input flipped (the edge is changed from (u,v) to (v,u)). After each query, output the length of the longest path in the graph such that no vertices are visited more than once.
However, George has never listened to a CS lecture, so he has no clue how to solve it! Desperately, he comes to you asking for help. Can you help him?
Note: The changes to the graph are persistent. This means that the graph physically changes after each query and previous queries affect later queries.
The first line consists of two space separated integers N and Q, indicating the number of vertices in the graph and the number of queries, respectively.
The next N(N−1)2 lines each consist of two space separated integers, u and v, denoting that there exists a directed edge from u to v.
The following Q lines each contain a single integer x, indicating that the x-th (one indexed) edge given in the input is to be flipped.
Output Q lines, with the i-th line containing the length of the longest path in the graph such that no vertices are visited more than once after the change in the i-th query has been applied.
Subtask 1 [20%]
Subtask 2 [80%]
Sample Input 1
3 1
1 2
2 3
1 3
Sample Output 1
Explanation for Sample Output 1
Although the graph forms a cycle of length 3 after the change, the length of the longest in the case of this problem is 3, since no vertices are to be visited more than once in the longest path.